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LDCL Individual Knockouts (KO's)
Wed, 07 August 2024 08:47:10
Peter Stiff
Tom Darling writes: I'd like to check for interest in our league-wide individual knockouts in the upcoming season.
Each of these will run if there's enough interest. They're open to any registered player, league-wide.
- Open
- Under 1825
- Under 1650
- Under 1450
- Handicapped rapidplay
The first four of these are played at standard league time controls. The rapidplay is a set of three games each lasting one hour, with higher-rated players having less time on the clock. I'll give more details on the format once I know which are running and with how many people.
Please email me at to express an interest.
We are always looking to welcome new players to the club no matter what your ability.